Memorial Day – John 8:34-36

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

According to Wikipedia, Memorial Day commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service. Memorial Day is a time for Americans to solemnly remember that the freedom they enjoy came at a price. Memorial Day is meant to prevent us from taking our security and safety for granted.

In the above passage, Jesus’ words tell us that we were, at one time, slaves to sin. We were held captive. In 1 Peter 3:18 we’re told that Christ died for sins. We have been set free from our bondage to sin by the sacrifice of Christ and are free indeed! Our spiritual freedom was paid for at the greatest of costs. We must never, ever take this freedom for granted.

The freedom that Americans enjoy was paid with the blood of young men on battlefields around the world. The freedom that Christians enjoy was paid for with the blood of Christ on the cross. Today I invite you to take a moment to remember the cost of freedom. Remember that U.S. service members have died for your freedom and, more importantly, remember that Christ died to see you free. “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

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About daniel

First and foremost, I belong to Jesus. I try to live every day to bring glory to my King. I am married to the most amazing woman I've ever met; her name is Connie. I was born in San Antonio, TX; raised in Blaine, TN; served in the Air Force for seven years in Anchorage, Afghanistan, and the UAE; and am now attending Western Seminary in Portland, OR. I'm excited about the future!

1 thought on “Memorial Day – John 8:34-36

  1. Isn't it interesting how freedom was,and still is, paid for in blood? Both Christ and those who've sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of freedom for our nation shed their blood so that others may be free, and in both, the recipients of that freedom are undeserving of such a gift and can do nothing to gain it themselves. The Blood was freely given all that is required is acceptance. That is what is truly amazing about the love of God. Even when I was in the worst place I could possibly be in life, He shed his blood for me!

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